“The Super-Liner saves fuel with every kilometre”
Hoyhaul reap the benefits of their new Macks on the long haul between Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.
Hoyhaul are a major provider of line haul services on the east coast, specialising in temperature-controlled loads. General Manager Dean Hoye has been in the transport business for 27 years, and over the past decade he’s built Hoyhaul into a medium-sized fleet of trucks delivering refrigerated goods and fresh produce six days a week to Australia’s three biggest cities.
The key ingredients
“We run 34-pallet B-Doubles from Sunday to Saturday,” says Dean, “and when you’re delivering perishable goods over long distances, four things are key: fatigue management, driver safety/comfort, fuel economy and reliability.”
Dean’s fleet includes a Mack Trident and three Super-Liners, and they’re immensely popular with his drivers.
“As we replace the older trucks in the fleet we’re moving to the Mack product,” says Dean, “I’ve got another Super-Liner coming next month and three more on order. They just suit the job perfectly and my drivers enjoy driving them.”
$13,725 less on fuel?
Dean’s Super-Liners are all fitted with the m DRIVE automated manual transmission and the MP10 685hp engine, both of which contribute to significant fuel savings.
“These trucks have taken us up from an average of 1.7 km-per-litre to 1.8. That may not sound like much, but when you do 280,000 km each year and diesel’s at $1.50 per litre, that 0.1 amounts to fuel saving of about $13,725 a year per truck. That’s good for business.”
An easy drive
Dean has discovered that m DRIVE is also a major contributor to improving driver comfort and safety.
“Automatics used to be expensive and unreliable, but the m DRIVE is pilliant, no driver can beat it for fuel economy, and once they are educated on the transmission features then the benefits flow through. Not only to the bottom line either, fatigue levels are much lower than on a manual.”
Built for the task
Above all though, Dean appreciates that the Super-Liner has been designed for the task he has in mind.
“The Super-Liner is just the ideal truck for this job. It’s a bonneted truck that meets the length requirements for a 34-pallet trailer set within 26 metres. The horsepower package makes for ease of optimum loading, and reduces fatigue with consistent transit times.
“With m DRIVE Super-Liners my drivers aren’t sitting over a steer axle for twelve hours changing gears manually, and these Super-Liners are reducing my fuel spend with every kilometre. Moving forward commercially and logistically, this is the product of choice for linehaul at Hoyhaul.”
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